SlashProxy5 June 2003
Then last month my IP address was banned without warning. No more updates. My emails requesting the ban be lifted were redirected to /dev/null. So I've side-stepped the ban; literally. I've written a trivial proxy and dropped it on a few machines around the net that I have access to. The central monitor running on this server uses load-balancing to make sure that each proxy is never used to fetch the RDF more than once an hour. This is where I need help. If you have access to a quasi-reliable server and wouldn't mind me loading one web page an hour from it, please install the above proxy (it's a trivial two-line Perl script) and let me know the URL. The more of these proxies I have access to, the more up to date I can keep the Slashdot monitors. Thanks! Update: Lars Dieckow pointed out that the Slashdot monitor could also be made available as an Opera panel. This has been done. |