Like many events, there are 'security' guards who check your bags. The only thing they are looking for is food. That way the onsite vendors can charge extortionate prices.
The guards had no issue with the digital video recorder I was carrying under my arm.
Gee, I wonder who removed the hard drive and replaced it with food?
Free pottery lessons. A large number of the exhibits at the faire were hands on.
Watch the masters at work.
A million volts to the face makes one glad that Faraday cages work. Yes, there is someone inside that suit of armour.
Not only is this lamp beautiful, it is also extremely ingenious. It is constructed from a large number of identical interlocking shapes cut from flat plastic sheet.
A computer controlled laser etching the top of a Mac.
The Mac once it has come out of the laser etcher.
The train will be delayed because the wrong type of AT-AT is on the tracks. Stomp stomp stomp.
The puppy mover in motion. Originally constructed as a static gag, it has now been retrofitted with motors and guide wheels.
Tons of surplus hardware to play with.
The guys from Eepybird were here to demonstrate what happens when one adds Mentos to Cola.
An extremely simple two-axis camera mount. Just two servos stacked at 90 degrees.
A 3D printer which uses hot air to melt one layer of sugar after another, eventually producing arbitrary geometric shapes.
The music is playing, but nobody's there. This no-man-band is run by computer through compressed air.
The trick with this sideways version of the Segway is to not try to balance. It will do the balancing for you.