Fishy Behaviour4 June 2005
I scooped up the corpse in a static-free bag (not that I was worried about static discharge, but it's what was at hand). Half way to the toilet there was a slight twitch. I poked the body dubiously. No results. Then there was another twitch. So I turned around and returned him to the tank. He floated on his side at the top, stiff as a board. A few minutes later he slowly sank to the bottom, still on his side. Encouragingly, the starboard gill had come online. Over the following hour one fin after another started moving. By noon he was managing to maintain attitude control, though with a slight list. By evening he was eating. I don't envy him the headache he must have. Update: After 36h of steady recovery, 1 of 2 suddenly died. :-( Update: Found this image on Fark which shows the correct way to exit the tank. |