London and Paris
24 June 2002
Last week Michelle and I took something called a vacation[?]. What a novel experience. Here are some photos. It was lots of fun, but it is nice to be back at work.
Caledonian Sleeper
This is a brief photographic log of a trip to London and Paris which
Michelle and I took in June 2002. Since we were starting in Inverness,
the Caledonian
Sleeper was the most convenient way to get to London. It is a great
way to travel, though it was difficult to sleep through the gymnastics
at midnight when the train met and merged with two other sleepers from
Aberdeen and Fort William.
Station X
Bletchley Park is a nice
day trip from London. Espionage, tanks, cryptography and electromechanical
computers. I even got a chance to pound away on a teletypewriter just like
the one I used to own. Below is some punch tape I kept as a souvenir.
![[Paper Tape]](/news/2002/london-paris/02-catspaw.jpg)
Welcome to London
Not everyone is welcome.
British Museum
Michelle scanning for 4000 year old typos in Egyptian Hieroglyphs at the
British Museum. We
found one.
Science Museum
Charles Babbage's Difference Engine No.2 at the Science Museum.
This was the one thing that was on my 'must-see' list for this trip. Although we didn't get to see the engine demonstrated, we did get to talk at length with someone who was conducting some repairs on it.
This engine has the ability to solve any 7th order polynomial. It is tantalising to think about what might have happened if Babbage had launched a steam-powered information age a hundred years ago.
Horse Guards
The Queen's Horse Guards on parade. What's with all the Canadian flags we kept running into? I thought we were in London...
HMS Belfast
Uh oh, hide the ammo. Michelle's found the anti-aircraft guns on the HMS Belfast.
Tower of London
The Tower of London has three features that really caught our attention:
- Spiral stair cases.
Lots and lots of really tight stone spirals. Really nice.
- The British crown jewels.
There are few things funnier than watching how the tourists were herded like livestock past the exhibits with the help of moving walkways.
- Ravens.
These black birds are not only impressively large (there's one perched on the bench), but will walk up to visitors and talk to them. That was a bit of a shock.
Very dark
Suddenly it got very, very dark...
...and when the sun reappeared, we'd passed through the Channel Tunnel and were in Paris.
Paris Buildings
What's with the aspect ratio of Paris buildings? I did not stretch this image at all; it looks far-fetched enough as it is.
Paris Police
Paris has a very heavy police presence. Officers in cars, on foot, on bicycles and on rollerblades.
Eiffel Tower
Obligatory photograph of the Eiffel Tower.
On the right is a model of
the tower I made last year out of clips and tuppence coins.
Notre Dame
We travelled all the way from Scotland, and whom do we meet in front of Notre Dame Cathedral? Never trust a Scot with bagpipes.
The Louvre has an
enormous amount on exhibit. But most of the tourists seem to skip
everything in the museum so that they can see Venus de Milo or
Mona Lisa (pictured) put a checkmark on their "been there -- seen that"
list before moving on.
Fill 'er up
Here's an idiosyncrasy which I found interesting. Most of the world's
gas/petrol stations are large drive-in affairs. Paris contains little
curb-side establishments which take up no more space than a pair of
parking spots. Why are gas/petrol stations in the rest of the world so
Paris Panorama
![[Panorama of Paris]](/news/2002/london-paris/17-paris.jpg)
Panorama of Paris taken from the Basilique du Sacré Coeur. Click to enlarge.
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