Neil's News

Maker Faire 2010

22 May 2010

The Maker Faire is back in San Mateo this weekend. I'm there with my lava lamp centrifuge. Looks like a great show this year. Some photos so far:

My neighbour to the left, a couple of Robbie the Robot replicas in the process of eating their human handlers.

My neighbour to the right, a didgeridoo performance which draws a really good crowd.

My neighbour across the aisle, a pair of 500,000 volt solid state Tesla coils which are pulsed to produce music.

An exhibitor whose electronics was fried by the nearby Tesla coils and had to go home early.

Eight-legged car scurrying around the show.

A table made out of copper tubing. Reminds me of Chinese maze patterns.

My centrifuge ran really well all weekend. It consistently exceeded 2G without showing any signs of distress.

The chess-playing robot arm is back for another year. This time with upgraded software to gracefully handle irregular moves by young humans.

Three floppy drives being used to record and playback audio in analog format.

Converting oscilloscopes into clocks.

Are these R2-D2s or R2s-D2? Plurals of compound nouns are tricky.

At the end of the show, it was time to disassemble the centrifuge. Amazing how such a large object reduces to such a small pile of parts. A surprisingly heavy pile of parts.

Maker Faire was great this year. I'm looking forward to next year. No idea what I'll build -- yet.

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